Saturday 17 September 2011

Plum cakes

If I wasn’t doing what I am doing, I would be in a distant country, in an unknown town, in front of a classroom full of students, teaching! If you were in my class, you would consider me a loveable teacher- I am usually kind, and patient, prepared and punctual, and I wouldn’t overburden you with loads of homework (I didn’t enjoy them myself when in school, and always struggled to complete them). I would consider you loveable too if you weren’t too outrageous- the kind that hates school, hides in the cupboards or jumps out of the windows to escape! I get slightly nervous while dealing with outrageous people but that’s another story.
I might even be a lighthouse keeper. And from the top, like from a Gold Class seat, I would watch the furthest stretch of the sea on a clear morning. I would watch the sun rise and set. I would watch the ships fade into the horizon, and others appear from nowhere in their rush to head back to the shore. I would watch the sky, on a starry night, lit up like a chandelier of a billion lights, so close above!
Or I might even run a bookstore café with heaps of books, old and new, where you could read sitting out in the courtyard, while I offer you some great coffee, and some croissants, and plum cakes.
But why am I wondering about such things? Good question.
It’s a Saturday. I slept for long, and didn’t wake up bleary-eyed like other days. I don’t have to go to work. I will step out for lunch later- that means I don’t have to cook. So I am relaxed, and a bit lazy, seated and wondering.  And when I am wondering, there’s mostly no pattern, or logic, or boundaries. Fair enough!
I will write a bit more about plum cakes now because I love plum cakes. They remind me of Christmas, and I suppose they smell and taste more delicious when it gets so festive all around. I remember last December when I ate an awful lot of plum cakes for a fortnight or so. I ate them possibly from every cubicle at work, bought them at the cafés, picked them up from the supermarkets, and anyone who sort of wanted to return a favour or buy me a gift,  I asked them for plum cakes! They were so insanely delicious. They made me so happy. They made me so generous too (I thanked everyone who gave me plum cakes). I loved them!
There isn't anything else coming to my mind at the moment. So, that’s it. And it’s quite inappropriate, and it indeed seems like getting carried away, but I am still naming this post: plum cakes.

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