Sunday 14 August 2011

About me

What could possibly be interesting about me? I am a human resource professional. I live in Bangalore. I work long hours, and I love my work. I have never loved working such long hours when in school though. I hated the mathematics tests. And the history tests. I hated the chemistry tests too. But most of all, I hated the…. I think I hated all the tests!

I am an August born. I am a Leo. My friends think I am not a true Leo- I don’t show traits of aggression, or pride, or dominance. I tell them I am an old Leo, somewhat tamed, rather disciplined! I suppose that’s the only thing I could say to avoid seeming incapable, and we have a good laugh. The point though really is that I am not very old (and you have got to start believing people who say that!).

Originally I am from Siliguri, a small city in the foothills of the Himalayan mountain ranges, in the north eastern part of the country. I have lived in Bangalore for the last ten years. I came here to earn my Master’s in Business Administration degree, and found the city very welcoming. I have, by now, totally fallen in love with this metropolis. I like the buzz. I like the people. I like the food.  

I like reading. I like driving. I like mountains. I like the winter (see, that’s very unlike old people!). I like the sun-drenched mornings. I like tea. I love listening to music. I grew up yearning to buy myself a ‘proper’ music system when I start earning a decent salary. And I bought one within a couple of months of getting into my first job (that was significantly early, considering that I still don’t earn a decent salary!). I like watching films. Films could make me cry, particularly one with sentimental songs! And then, I cry when I sing as well. I don’t sing well!

I get itchy feet each time I look at the Lonely Planet travel guides in the bookstore, graciously stacked on the shelves in plenty! There are 192 countries according to The United Nations, and I must see as many of these amazing countries as I can- that is my favourite dream! My other dream is to give up drinking tea, and switch to coffee as Starbucks opens a store in my neighborhood!

My third dream is to be able to write shorter “about me” descriptions! Understandably!

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