Tuesday 16 August 2011

Strength with age

It's already August. Some say it appears like it was January just the other day. Actually it wasn't. January was way back in January. It has been a fairly long year since then. I vouch for this because the astrological predications were that I was to have a great 2011; eight months into the year, it has been nowhere close to great. On the contrary, it has been moderate to severely turbulent. I have had to keep my seat belts fastened, and an oxygen mask will automatically appear, when I need to pull it the most, I hope. And hopes are the essence, so, I am keeping at it!

But what do you do when the going gets so tough? In all likelihood, you go in for a bit of self-indulgence. The most regular form of that I guess is to go for shopping. I have friends who do this all the time. They are shopaholics! They could even go shopping at 3 PM, in the middle of a working day, and as always, inevitably, end up feeling better at the end of it (even if they were feeling perfectly alright earlier!). Now, I am not a shopaholic, but since I had a lot of free time over the long weekend, I decided to have a crack at it!

I drove downtown, checked into a store, and looked at this carbon blue T-shirt which had some incredible stuff written on it: ‘Strength with Age’. I fell for it. I smiled, and I thought it tells my story. I just got a year older earlier this month, and what better to boast growing older? I picked it up. I felt good at the end of it (I suppose this doesn’t sound like I am going down the same course, I am not!).

On my way back, I realized, I picked up another T-shirt that’s blue in colour. Historically, the statistics has been quite uncomplicated: 8 out of 10 times I have bought an apparel, it has been blue in colour (the remaining 2 times, it has been grey or black). This may lead you to conceive how predictable I am, but it is not that you could tell entirely about a person by merely looking at his wardrobe. There are people who normally don’t, but are quite capable, of doing outstanding things! One of these days, I plan to go back to that store and buy myself a dazzling pink T-shirt, just to establish a point!

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